Monetize with Adgebra

Better Engagement, Better Earnings

Adgebra matches the ad language to the language of your site/blog content, ensuring better reader engagement and thereby revenue generation.

Quality Advertisers

Serving clean and genuine ads that are filtered by stringent review process

Simple & Powerful

Take advantage of a range of powerful ad formats like native, rich media and video to boost revenue opportunities

Real-Time Insights

Strategise better with 100% transparent and near real-time reports with details about earnings

Simple Integration

Get started with one-time integration and access 100+ custom responsive ad widgets. We monetise AMP pages too.

Attract New Audiences

Struggling To Drive Higher Traffic On The Site?

Adgebra’s ‘Traffic+’ solution empowers publishers to buy quality traffic from partner 2000+ publishers at a competitive CPC pricing model

Users engage more with recommended articles


Relevant content in regional language drives higher CTR


Users trust, content on genuine sites than on social media


Monetise with Adgebra

Engaging . Non-Intrusive . Multi Lingual

Native Ads

Custom Native ads widgets for web, wap, app and notifications

Rich Media - Desktop

Engaging & interactive In-image ads over article images for websites

Rich Media - Mobile

Interactive in-screen ads on mobile wap pages

In-Read Video

Engaging video ads for web and wap traffic

Customer Speak


How Adgebra plays a role in the success of small and big businesses

Want to monetise your digital content?

Adgebra is the answer

Register Your Site/Blog And Start Earnings
