Advertise with Adgebra

Driving Brand Growth
with Better Customer Connect

Adgebra offers native advertising solutions along with the power of multilingual targeting. This enables brands to execute digital campaigns in the language and media that consumers prefer, at moments when consumers are open to receiving communication.

Audience Intent

Select target audience based on click affinity and 10+ intent types. Custom remarketing audience targeting also available.

Geo & Device

Include or exclude country, state and city. Target device types and operating system of choice.

Language & Keyword

Target any keyword in any or all of the 11 languages supported, including English.

Site & Blogs

Choose from 2000+ publishers. Blacklist or whitelist sites.

Higher Brand visibility

Why Multilingual Advertising?

With regional language native advertising, brands get an opportunity to reach maximum audiences at a comparatively lesser cost. Data showcases the multifold growth potential of regional content consumption and advertising.

Adgebra Ad Formats

Engaging . Non-intrusive . Multi Lingual


Custom Native ads widgets for web, wap, app and notifications

Rich Media - Desktop

Engaging & interactive In-image ads over article images for websites

Rich Media - Mobile

Interactive in-screen ads on mobile wap pages

In-read Video

Engaging video ads for web and wap traffic

Customer Speak


How Adgebra plays a role in the success of small and big businesses

Get in Touch

We're thrilled to be your growth partner
